

项目名称:中非医药保健品(乌干达)公司做网站 签订时间:2018-11-29 项目网址:www.sinoaf.co.ug 公司简介: SinoafricaMedicines&HealthLtdisaChinesetradin





Sinoafrica Medicines & Health Ltd is a Chinese trading company incorporated in Uganda since 1998.
It is a branch of Tianjin Medicines & Health Products Import & Export Corporation which is the member of northern International Group (NIG).We are located in Kampala Industrial Area housed in a modern warehouse of 1000 square meters, complete with adequate security, a water system, telephone, electricity and other essentials. Our mission is to import all forms of pharmaceuticals and health products while promoting the health affairs of the people in Uganda. Sinoafrica possesses ample experience in international trade along with extensive affiliations to thousands of people and companies
In over the world. In china, the firm is affiliated to eight factories that mainly produce tablets, capsules, injections, other kinds of medicines, healthy products, natural nourishments, etc. As a hallmark of a professional firm, all Sinoafrica’s products meet USP and /or BP standards and air clear degree is 100,000 grade in workshop approved by GMP – Good Manufacturing practice (GMP) certification of China in order to offer efficient customer service and incentives, the company operates in fully computerized environment. It is run and operated by highly qualified professional staff in their respective departments (sales, purchases, stock and accounts). Our warehouse is exclusively approved by the National Drugs Authority (NDA).

河南大件运输  许军紫砂  回转驱动装置  聚阴离子纤维素  健康管理软件  中海・万锦城  蓝天飞行翻译公司  顺龙发电线  顺德保姆护理  易天网络技术